
Workshop: Feuerstab- & Rope-Dart Basics

Tanz, Feuer, Rauschen. Keine nervigen Tanzpartner*innen die dich voll labern. Wir wollen euch die Grundschritte in unsere Leidenschaft, das tanzen mit dem Feuer, geben. Die Tanzpartner*innen die euch zur Auswahl stehen werden, sind Feuerstab und Ropedart. Ersteres ein kinnhoher Stab mit Flammen an den Enden und zweiteres ein langes Seil …


This is Split – one of germanys experimental Dubstep producers today. He has got many releases in very different styles, from deep chilled moods to dry hard stompers. You never know what to expect even though you’ll always realise its a split tune because of splits specific fingerprint on each …

Miau Sayonara

Miau Sayonara ist schon ein alter Hase im unprofessionellen DJ Biz. Sie spielt meist auf Soli-Partys und ist Teil von dem queerfeministischen DJ Kollektiv non+ultras und Gründungsmitglied von Bass Focus Leipzig. Am pudelwohlsten fühlt sich Miau im Trap, aber ihr Bass Musik Repertoire beinhaltet auch feministischen Rap und Dubstep, manchmal …

Noise Toys & Platinen löten

You want to learn soldering, you are searching for freaky sounds or just want to solder some circuit boards? Than you are absolutely right here. For soldering there are some projects from Steffen Koritsch and Alwin Weber. You don't need any prior knowledge. Just come around and take a part!

WZ & Myca$h

WZ und Myca$h sind zwei Produzenten und DJs aus Ostrava. Sie lernten sich vor etwa 4 Jahren kennen und fanden über gemeinsamen Musikgeschmack zusammen. Wz ist Gründer des lokalen Labels Shakhta Records, welches auf tschechischen und slowakischen Dubstep fokussiert ist. Erst kürzlich erschien sein Debut Album “Voices”, mit zahlreichen Features …


Annca (she/her) is a drum & bass DJ from Hanover. Her mixes are a tasteful combination of upfront new-school sounds and more traditional jungle bangers. With an excellent feel for the vibe of the audience, she manages to take the dancefloor on a musical journey that sometimes leads into more unconventional spheres of bass music.


Pre-sale has started! Once again we have a solidarity ticket system for you. The number of tickets is limited to 300. With the cost-covering ticket you help to recoup our expenses. Soli tickets are for people who can't afford the cost-covering ticket. We are grateful for your donations, which we can use to finance the Soli tickets.


Bass nomads of the earth, you are invited to gather from the 21st to the 23rd of July for the Subkontra Festival. Set up camp with us in the cultur oasis of Oberpöbel! Between the high mountains we will be massaged by two massive sound systems with low frequencies. A colourful workshop program aswell as old and new friends await you. Tell your gang!


After taking some time off and recovering from half a year of planning, constructing, packing up and partying with you, we would like to thank everyone who supported us in the creation of our second Bass Open Air.
