Basstrace (AT): Dotworks x Schüchner, ing.dude x Oktobot, Nadin x Nobody

Basstrace (AT): Dotworks x Schüchner, ing.dude x Oktobot, Nadin x Nobody

Today we start to introduce artists and crews, who make the festival that special together with you.


Basstrace is a crew from Vienna, Austria always aiming to share, enjoy and recultivate the trueschool roots of Dubstep. Providing an alternative to the mainstream beyond mass spectrum. They run regular events in their area with a thoughtfully handcrafted hi-fidelity sound system named Modulith, assembled with pure love and dedication and have been awarded #2 Best Worldwide Promoter in the Dubstep Awards 2019. Soon they will shake the ground in Oberpöbel.
